Legendary Ed Bickert Tribute Fender Telecaster
In 1978, the legendary Ed Bickert visited my shop for the first time. As he dragged his heavily worn blond Tele out of his gig bag, his little daughter looked up and said “daddy, are you going to paint your guitar?”
Ed never touched the finish but he did have me install a new pickup in this famous Telecaster. We experimented with several humbucker pickups, finally settling on a Gibson PAF reissue. Early in his career he played a late 50s Gibson ES175 which would have had a similar pickup.
Over the years, as Ed put in thousands of playing hours on this guitar, it needed on-going service: I refretted his guitar once and then the luthiers in our workshop refretted it at least twice again!
For the “Edification – Tribute to Ed Bickert (CD launch)” we are offering this New Fender Telecaster to commemorate this event.

Legendary Ed Bickert Tribute Fender Telecaster