The Twelfth Fret ~ Since 1977 ~

Posts Tagged amp

Fryette Pitbull CL 100 Head SOLD

Fryette Pitbull CL 100 Head SOLD

The quest for the perfect balance of tone has always been elusive to many guitarists. Some guitarists find their amp and stick with it for years, while some are constantly changing things around. My first exposure to Fryette amps (then VHT) was in the form of the 100 watt per side power amp and I loved it.


Selmer Zodiac Twin Thirty Early 60’s (Used) SOLD

Here are a couple of unique vintage amps that I have never seen up close before. These 30 watt 2×12 amps feature Selmer labeled Goodman speakers, four inputs, built in Tremolo and selector tone push button controls. The “Blinking Eye” gives you a visual indication of the tremolo speed. Now that’s what I’m talking about!  The two independent channels on this amp allow you to use one side for a microphone and the other for guitar. Both amps are in good shape with a bit of cosmetic wear and tear. Pretty cool!



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